The communication teams of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania met in Riga, Latvia to plan ways to connect with the community to bring people to Christ.
When people get to know members of our Church, they understand that we have so much in common. We care about our families and our communities. We want to learn and grow. We want to help and serve others.

Baltics Conference 1
Communication directors and priesthood leaders from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania plan how to reach out to their communities to invite others to come unto Christ.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Karin Lindeman, National Communication Director for the Church in Estonia, and two of the Estonia missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, spoke with a journalist for a documentary, talking about the Church and some of our beliefs. Skaiste Makslakhti-Tolstosheev, former National Communication Director of Lithuania, said she was on a radio programme where she was able to talk about the Church and our beliefs. At the end of the programme, one of the interviewers said, “Now I see that you are Christian.” These are important ways to help people get to know us and to learn more about the Saviour.

Baltics Conference 2
Antti & Skaiste Makslakhti-Tolstosheev, Lithuania; Karin Lindemann, Estonia; Anastasia Bayda, Latvia; Aleksei Juur, Estonia; Genadijus Motiejūnas, Lithuania2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Holding events in our building is another way to get to know our neighbours. In Riga, Anastasia Bayda, National Communication Director for Latvia, says that there are events most evenings at their church building in Riga. “When people come to our buildings for classes or other events, they get to know us and see that we have so much in common with them.“

Baltics Conference 3
Dovilė Žvalionienė, National Communication Director, Lithuania; President Roy T. Huff and Sister Jeanne Huff, Baltic Mission Leaders2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Dovilė Žvalionienė, National Communication Director in Lithuania, says that they hold a food bank in Lithuania four times a year in four of the Church’s buildings. Church members also volunteer at the food banks. Those who run the food banks have learned to appreciate the work of the Church’s missionaries who serve there. Skaiste Makslakhti-Tolstosheev says, “They call and ask, ‘Can your superpower come to help?’”

Baltics Conference 4
President & Sister Huff; Anton Shcherbinin, Latvia; Nikolajs Šostaks, Latvia; President Rihards Fridbergs, Riga Latvia District President2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.These are just some of the ways the members in these are reaching out into the community to make friends and bring people to the Saviour.