Several young adults of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints from across Europe gathered for a conference in Zollikofen, Switzerland, end of August 2021. They were visited by senior Church Leaders including Elder Erich W. Kopischke from the Europe Area Presidency as well as Area Seventies and Area Organization Advisers. They also participated in a live face-to-face remote session with Elder David A. Bednar from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Recently called Rising Generation Advisers meet together in Zollikofen, Switzerland in August2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The group was comprised of newly called Rising Generation Advisers, which support the Rising Generation and local leaders of the Church in Europe. The main location for the event was around the Switzerland Temple, where the group also worshiped together on Saturday. Further program included a service activity for local care homes and other social activities. In several counselling sessions, over 60 people discussed how to better live and apply the Church’s following key principles:
Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Caring for Those in Need
Inviting All to Receive the Gospel
Uniting Families for Eternity
“This truly marks a historic event in the Europe Area”, said Elder Kopischke. “To have young people from all across Europe gathered together to counsel, serve and uplift each other and their community is at the heart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “, he continued.
In a face-to-face remote meeting, Elder David A. Bednar from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, connected live from Salt Lake City to provide training and answer questions of the audience.

Rising Generation Advisers in a live remote discussion with Elder David A. Bednar2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.„The blend of instruction from an Apostle, Area Authorities and counselling together with my peers made me feel so close to my Heavenly Parents and the work They want me to do. “, said Leanda Akuoko from the UK.
To me, this weekend was a testament of how our generation is ready and willing to face the challenges of our days, that we are part of a living church and that all we do in it must be centered in helping people draw closer to Christ, one by one.“, said Daniel Adriano from Lisbon, Portugal. “I am thrilled to return to Portugal, sharing all that I felt and learned.", he continues.
Irene Kabongo from Paris, France said: “I’ve always felt like a European through my ID but for the first time I felt like I was also a part of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Europe Area.” She continues: “I felt empowered because there were no physical and spiritual boundaries between all of us.
Ben Warner from the UK stated: “As we gathered in both sacred and social settings, I felt so inspired and connected with each other. The whole experience reaffirmed my belief that this church is a place where we can thrive, contribute and belong.”
Under the Direction of the Area Presidency, Rising Generation Advisers have the role to mentor the rising generation and participate in leadership councils on local and area levels of the Church in Europe.

Elder Erich W. Kopischke provides counsel to the Rising Generation Advisers2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.To learn more about the rising generation efforts in the Europe Area:
Church expands leadership roles for rising generation in Europe